Sunday 4 July 2021

Conflict at Clarendon


Conflict at Clarendon

Inquisitor Tyrannus Grilli looked down at the report submitted by Adept Low a look of anger flashed across his face.  He stabbed the data slate with his index finger. “This will not stand.  Who do these people think they are?  Am I not commanded by the God Emperor to do his work?  These degenerates will have to be taught a lesson.  Captain Fitchett take a platoon of the Vegetables burn their homes to the ground and retrieve the crystal memory fragments that they stole from the research station.”  Captain Fitchett coughed quietly, “I am sorry to report, but the 85th Astor regiment is spread quite thin right now.  The majority of the regiment is still putting down the rebellion around the capital.  The best we can muster is a demi-section.  A force that would not carry the level of gravitas which you require.” 

Grilli looked at the Imperial guard officer “You are probably right captain.  I will ask the Lord Warden for a squad of his Astartes to reinforce your demi-section. That should be a sufficient force to deal with these degenerates and force them back to the Warren wouldn`t you agree Commissar Kingsland?”  The commissar nodded “That force should be more than sufficient to deal with this nuisance.  Fighting alongside the Wardens of Dubris will be a good chance for the 85th to demonstrate their mettle to the chosen of the God Emperor. I will be on hand to make sure that the 85th does not falter.”

Sensing the approach of the Imperial forces, Antonin the Volkstan leader, ordered his warriors to take up defensive positions.

The Vegetables moved forward at a double pace, forgoing the chance to open fire on the Volkstan tribesmen, to take up a better vantage point while the Wardens of Dubris came on, opening fire on the hedgerow.  Brother Frankham found his mark killing one of the defending tribesmen. 

Willson, lashed out with his mind trying to fell Antonin with the power of his mind, but the Volkstan leader easily brushed off the attack by the sanctioned psyker. 

Antonin locked eyes with the sanctioned psyker and channelled the raw energy of the warp into his mind.   Willson screamed as he fell to the ground his mind stolen by the horrors of the warp.  The tribesmen took the psykers screams as a signal and the younger warriors rushed forward eager to close with the imperial forces while the older warriors opened fire with their muskets.

The Volkstan warriors charged headlong into the Vegetables ignoring the fusillade of fire that killed two of their number.  Seeing the youth of the tribe engaging with the Vegetables the older tribesmen focused their fire on the Wardens of Dubris.  Six musket shots slammed into brother Broadley sending him crashing to the ground.  Antonin once more called upon the power of the warp sending an unnatural hurricane to pin the Wardens of Dubris in place.

In the melee, Captain Fitchett was surprised by a blow from his opponent.  The tribesman`s crude weapon broke three of the captain`s ribs.  In response, Fitchett cut the tribesman`s head off.  The raw combat skills of the Volkstan tribesmen were no match for the honed skills of the Vegetables and they were cut down one by one.

Having shaken off the demonic wind the Wardens of Dubris moved forward firing.  The marines shredded the hedgerow where the tribesmen were taking cover with their firepower.  Bolter rounds from Sergeant Fifield and Brother Fuller cut two of the tribesmen into pieces. 

The carnage being wrought by the Imperial forces was too much for the remaining tribesmen and they broke and fled.  As Antonin watched the warriors of his tribe flee, he realised that it was time to call upon his new allies.

The Vegetables were caught completely off guard as a squad of Eldar guardians materialised on their flank.  The Eldar poured fire into the unsuspecting guardsmen taking down four of them including Captain Fitchett.  The remaining Guardsmen resolve held thanks to the presence of Commissar Kingsland.

The Wardens of Dubris swung round to join the firefight and come to the aid of the 85th.   In the exchange of fire, the Eldar guardian armed with a flamer torched his counterpart in the 85th.  While Commissar Kingsland was able to kill two of the Eldar in return with his bolt-gun, brother Ranaweera`s shuriken catapult failed to take any toll. 

Having delayed the Imperial forces long enough for Antonin to escape the Eldar guardians activated their teleporters and left the field.


  1. Brilliant thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ‘the Tribesmen look familiar but I cannot recall where I seen them before?

    1. I bought these a while ago and I am not sure where I got them from myself.

  2. I hope the tech adepts were sorely punished for the failure of Brother Broadley's armour.

    1. That they will. Luckily is Astartes constitution meant that he suffered no long lasting injuries.

  3. So glad to have discovered your blog. Can't wait for more battle reps and wonderful oldschool terrain builds ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  4. Cheers. I am trying to post twice a week, so there should be a new post soon.
