Sunday, 11 July 2021

Arrest at Eyethorne


Arrest at Eyethorne

Arbites Paschal scanned the data sheet as she gunned her Black shadow, the roar of the engine frightened away all the local wildlife.  The data sheet read like a nightmare; the Death Jacks were wanted for more crimes than most of Cantwara ever dreamt of.   She turned to the other members of her patrol “Beech, Broadgate, Minto, we are not sure how many of these bastards are out at Eyethorne we had better ditch the bikes and go in on foot.  If we can catch them unawares, we should be able to reel in a few more of them.”  The other Arbites nodded in agreement.

Seeing four members of the Death Jacks crew standing outside of a cluster of buildings the Arbites decided to spread out and check the area before they moved in for the arrest.

Oblivious to the approach of the lawmen, the Death Jacks stood around sharing a drink with one another.  The ganger members stood talking for a while before Locke and Russell decided to head into the warmth of the hab leaving Anscombe and Rhees to patrol the area.

Paschal gave the signal for herself and Minto to move forward and take down the two remaining Death Jacks.  The two Arbites moved silently forward keeping to the shadows so as not to alert the gang members to their presence.

Paschal came up behind Anscombe and rendered her unconscious with a swift blow from her night stick.  Unfortunately, Rhees heard Arbites Minto as he threw his knock-out grenade and dived into cover opening fire with his auto-pistol.

The staccato sound of Rhees` auto-pistol alerted the other Death Jacks that something was amiss outside, and the gang members grabbed their weapons and rushed to deal with any trouble.

Arbites Beech had been waiting for this moment and he threw his knock-out grenade with pin-point accuracy.  The grenade went off engulfing Russell, Locke, and Ockham in a cloud of gas.  The three gang members coughed and spluttered as they were quickly overcome by the powerful gas.

As some of the Death Jacks were choking on the knock-out gas Minto and Broadgate opened fire on Rhees and cut him to pieces.  The rounds from the two bolt-pistols made his body dance like a rag doll.

The remaining Death Jacks saw that the writing was on the wall and decided that discretion was the better part valour.   They threw down their weapons and surrendered to Paschal.  

The Arbites handcuffed their prisoners and escorted them to the waiting catch wagon.


  1. Awesome battle report as always!

    Did you use Rogue Trader this time? Either way, its great to see a small force scenario driven battle report with classic figures and terrain.

    Speaking of which, what size board do you use?

  2. Thans.

    Yes, I used Rogue Trader with the addition of random movement for the Death Jacks until they became aware of the Arbites.

    My table is 2` by 2`.

  3. That went surprisingly well for the Arbites! 2x2 would be tight, but smaller tables can be darned good for getting a game going quickly. I like a 4x4. The last game I ran the table was too big and the game drug on considerably longer than I intended.

  4. A 2x2 table has a few advantages for me. It lets me fit a game on my kitchen table, it suits the scale of game that I want to play, and I can finish a game in about an hour an important consideration with my schedule. I like to start skirmish games close or in the action, something that I picked up from Ambush Alley games, rather than spend too many turns getting into range. It does mean that I have to be careful on what weapons I give to the different forces, but you cannot have everything.
