Saturday, 22 February 2025

The February update

 February update 

What has been on the painting table?

Things at the Cantawara sector have been ticking along at a fair pace and my brush work has been really speeding up.  I have managed to complete one force, the aliens, paint all of the figures that I have for another force, the TMS security forces, and get most of the way through a third group, the Gamley`s Mining Corporation (GMC), as a few other odds and ends. 

Aliens-  Ground Zero Games

The aliens from GZG have been a real joy to paint and I am a little disappointed to have finally finished them.  That is not to say that I won`t return to them in the future, but for now I have more than enough.

My second Xar command group.  I received these as part of the Christmas giveaway by GZG.

A group of Xar riflemen.

As well as armed forces I do like to have a nice section of non-combatants to litter the battlefield and act as objectives.  So, here are some Crusty Civilians from GZG.

A shepherd and his flock.

Hammer`s Slammers-  Ground Zero Games

Turner`s Mining Syndicate security troopers.  

To build on the TMS secuirty forces I decide to add some less well armed and armoured troops.  I can imagine these security guards proteccting the various assets for the company.  I think that I need to get one more squad of the more heavily armoured troops and another transport vehicle to complete the force.

Personnel carrier from GZG

Brethern of The New Light-  Ground Zero Games

Gamley`s Mining Corporation security troopers.  

Some may question why I need a second corporate force and they are probably right too, but I like the idea of corporatations fighting over the resources of the Cantwara sector.  It is a good excuse for me to paint more bright 70s inspired uniforms. 

Odds and Ends

Free Trader Crew - Ground Zero Games

Space Miscreants.  

The Cantwara sector is not only populated by aliens and corporate forces, but also people who make their living in the grey areas of society.  They may turn up robbing banks, resisting corporate oppression or simply breaking heads.

They are joined by an astronaut.  I am pretty sure that the figure is from Alternative Armies.

Vehicles from Ground Zero Games

I decided to paint the first Hovertruck in a livery inspired by the old Hoverspeed livery.  

Scatter terrain from Ground Zero Games

Solar arrays

These solar arrays were a bit of a random impulse buy, but now that I have built and painted them I think that I will add four more to my collection.  I can then use them either individually or as a field of solar arrays.