Dealings at De Burgh
Storm clouds gathered in the sky over the De Burgh star port as the crew of the Belgrave ran their third diagnostic. The aged ship had plied the space lanes for centuries, but now it languished in the spaceport waiting for urgently needed repairs. As rain pattered on the view screen of the Belgrave washing the grim from the aged star ship YT-75 sighed with relief, she had been struggling to find the funds to get the Belgrave off the ground, but her luck had finally turned. She had received a message from a perspective buyer for the sword that the crew had recovered. The funds would finally allow her to buy the parts that Shino S had been badgering her for.
The port authority at De Burgh had been alerted to a black-market deal that was taking place within the port precinct and despatched two squads of the PDF to deal with the transgressors.
Corporal Teach led his troops through the
squalid streets around the space port their boots getting clogged with rancid wet
mud and detritus. Neither he nor them
wanted any part of the assignment they had been given, but orders were orders. Teach signalled for quiet as they approached
the target location.
Through the sheets of rain Lance corporal Read could just about identify the five targets that they had been sent to deal with. Not waiting for full confirmation, she ordered her troops to open on the targets. Rackham brayed as he let loose with his auto-gun, his rounds were quickly joined by las-gun beams from the other members of his squad. Two rounds from the fusillade slammed into Shino S, lifting the engineer off her feet with the impact.
Hearing the sounds of weapons fire Teach pushed his troops forward and soon their weapons were added to the deadly crossfire. Bolt-gun, and las-gun fire streaked though the air hammering into the buildings around the crew of the Belgrave, but none of it found its mark.
Without a moments hesitation YT-75 and her client, Red Jackal, charged towards the PDF troops. The regular planetary defence force of Dubris were no match for the two cybernetic super soldiers. Corporal Teach raised his bolt-pistol towards YT-75, but his movements were snail like in comparison to the captain of the Belgrave. YT-75 casually crushed the gun and his hand with her bionic arm. As Teach screamed in agony YT-75 pulled out her handgun and shot the corporal in the chest.
Steam came off Wells` auto-gun as he poured suppressive fire towards the PDF soldiers. The shots exploded around the PDF troops forcing them to keep their heads down.
During the respite offered by his comrade Mandrake dashed towards the limited covered of the comms tower firing wildly with his las-pistol as he run. The wild shots from Mandrake`s las-pistol burnt three deep holes into corporal Read.
Rackham roared in anger as he saw his lover fall to the ground. The beastman led the charge of his squad firing his auto-gun from the hip as he ran. Shots flew past Wells as he faced down the enraged beastman. The master of arms brought his auto-gun up to his shoulder and pumped four shots into the beastman stopping the abhuman metres away from him.
A beam of sunlight shone into the square as a break in the clouds passed over the port of De Burgh.
Private Silver looked nervously at Wells she had no wish to die in this slum.
The master of arms raised his gun into the air and spoke to the soldier “Take
your wounded and leave the field of battle, soldier. Enough blood has been shed this day.”