Thursday, 26 December 2024

Testing a set of rules


Testing a set of rules

The search for the right set of rules seems to be the quest that obsesses most war gamers, I am no exception.  There is a plethora of excellent games out there some of which are burning brightly with popularity and others that have fallen to the wayside.  In my search for the `right` rules, those that scratch the itch that I have, I thought I would turn to an older set that have sat on my shelf for about twenty years without being played.  So, I would like to present the excellent Stargrunt II rules.

Stargrunt II is a set of rules that is published by Ground Zero games and are available as a free download.  The layout and organisation of the rules does show its age, but if you can work your way through these issues the game inside is excellent.  The mechanisms may seem a bit denser than more modern skirmish games, but I managed to internalise them in one game.  The standout element for me is fire combat, perhaps not as destructive as people like nowadays, but it gives the right feel of combat in the not-so-distant future.


Stargrunt II is not designed for tournament play but is a scenario driven system.  For my first game I took inspiration from Mike Brown's scenario cards, that can be found on, these cards allow you to setup a game relatively quickly.

Mission briefing - Turner`s Mining Syndicate

A group of independent miners have set up a camp on a company plot.  One squad of security troopers are to move the miners on from the claim.  Maximum destruction of the miners` property is advised.

Objective- Destroy the miners’ buildings and return with minimum losses.

Forces – One squad of security troopers split into two fireteams.

Mission briefing – The Guild of Free Miners

The Guild has identified and laid a counterclaim to a piece of disputed land that is currently held by the TMS.  Knowing that the Syndicate won`t allow the Guild to just walk in and seize the land the Guild has hired some mercenaries to patrol and protect the area.

Objective-Patrol down to the enemy baseline before returning to the mining enclave.

Forces – Two squads of guild mercenaries split into four fireteams.

I summarised the information for the game onto mission cards and unit cards these and the quickplay reference sheet were all the documents that I needed to play the game. 

Initial plans

My first playthrough of the rules was a solo affair, so to make it more interesting I randomly determined the initial battle plans for the two forces.  Both the security forces and the mercenaries looked to swing out to the flanks to reach their objectives.

Game play

The combat heated up very quickly with casualties appearing on the mercenary side as their lower quality and worse equipment made them vulnerable to the firepower of the TMS security troopers.  The firefight on the northern flank became quite protracted as two fireteams of mercenaries took on one squad of security troopers.

On the southern flank the mercenaries had more luck when they were able to kill the plasma gunner.  They then decided that engaging the security troopers in CQB was  in order.  This move was the undoing of the mercenary team as the security troopers were more than a match for them in close combat.

The melee was really the moment that turned the engagement against the mercenaries as their numerical advantage was depleted and the superior weapons and training of the security troopers started to show.  Although, the mercenaries fought on for several more turns the game was a foregone conclusion.

The final positions

Thoughts on the game

I played some suboptimal turns because I wanted to try the rules out.  One group of mercenaries engaging the security troopers in close combat really wasn`t a good play, but it allowed me to see close combat in action.  I was a little to cagey with how I used the security troopers, one squad was stuck in a protracted firefight for most of the game.  I could have tried to either push into the mercenaries more or moved the other squad in support.  All that being said the game went well, and it felt right.  I am looking forward to giving it another go in the New Year.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The December update for the Cantwara sector.


The December update

Time flies and with the festive season is upon us I almost missed the chance to update the world on what has been going on in the Cantwara sector.   Painting has been the order of the day since the last update.  I have managed to nearly complete my alien contingent, a few more purchases may have been made, which has put the end off a little, but I hope there will be no more crusties for a long time.  I have also been adding some security troopers to act as protection for the Turner`s Mining Syndicate.

Armed forces in the Cantwara sector

Crusties-  Ground Zero Games

The four squads of infantry and support weapons are complete.  I am imagining these aliens in a similar way to the great migration in Europe which forced the different peoples westward rather than an invading alien menace.

The Crusties are supported by a small contingent of Phalon marines.  I really like these older scuplts by GZG.  They are a little smaller than their more recent offerings but they have a real charm to them.

The platoon command is made up of the Xar, large imposing centaur aliens. 

Hammer`s Slammers-  Ground Zero Games

Turner`s Mining Syndicate security troopers.  

I decided that the TMS needed some military or paramilitary forces to protect their assets.  Again, the minatures that I chose have sat in my lead pile for many years and I am glad that they finally have some colour on them.  I cannot wait to see what service they give the syndiacte.

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Returning to the Cantwara sector an update

 Returning to the Cantwara sector an update

Well, it has been a month since I have last posted about my wargaming efforts.  I have been steadily painting away and purchasing a few more pieces.  Things are coming along nicely.  My purchases are a bit scatter shot as I don`t really have an end goal for my 15mm SCI-FI project.  One of the main things that spurs me on to make purchases is the fear of losing out on something.  It is a little bit of a weird mindset when I consider it, but I don`t think that I am the only wargamer who thinks in this way.

Vehicle from Ground Zero Games

The second of my GZGs truck is finished.  I was inspired by the livery of a local train, the Red Wing, where I live.  

Mine -  Ground Zero Games (I think)

The yellow mine is the last of these mine entrances that I had to paint.  I hope that the different colours will help them stand out well on the table.

Colonial settlement building -  Ground Zero Games

The final  colonial settlement building came together really well.  I have named the bar after a nightclub that I used to frequent as a younger man.  These little nods to the past really help me get invested into this fictional future.

Populating the Cantwara sector

To bring the Cantwara sector alive and to inspire some scenarios I though I had better start adding some non-combat figure to my collection.  

Civilians-  Ground Zero Games

The civilians come from GZG ranges and they will represent people working for Turner`s Mining Syndicate or the TMS.  The paint scheme is inspired by my secondary school sports uniform.

Robots-  Ground Zero Games & Alternative armies

The robots come from GZG & Alternative armies.  I decided to keep the paint scheme fairly simple at first, but I found that leaving them all metal didn`t work for me.  Hence the splash of colour.  

Armed forces in the Cantwara sector

I have two platoons of human forces that I have already painted.  One force of regulars and one force of irregulars that I thought needed an opposing force.  This led me to finally big into my lead mountain and pull out some aliens to paint.

Crusties-  Ground Zero Games

These aliens are, for me, one of GZG`s best ranges.  They paint up really well and stand out from the human forces as they are slightly larger.  I am looking to paint a platoon of them, so around 32.  Each section will have a different colour bandolier to make them easier to recognise on the battlefield.


Now for something a little different

I don`t want the Cantwara sector to focus only only 15mm SCI-FI, as I still love my Old School miniatures.  So, when the urge takes me I will paint other figures that I have.  Here is one example.

Chaos Legionnaire-  Games Workshop

This classic figure has sat, unpainted, in my lead pile since I bought it in the late 80s.  I am glad that he is finally ready to grace the tabletop.

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Returning to the Cantwara sector after a long absence


Returning to the Cantwara sector after a long absence.

Time has a habit of going by far quicker than one expects, I can hardly imagine that I have let this blog lay fallow for so long.  But absence they say makes the heart grow fonder and I have the urge to try and resurrect the blog.  Since my last post I have been wargaming, but like many practitioners of the hobby I have been flitting from one project to another.  I have recently turned to my pile of 15mm Sci-Fi lead, mostly from Ground Zero games, which brought me back to the Cantwara sector.  I plan to morph the blog to not only include my Rogue Trader era miniatures but also all of my Sci-Fi projects.  The narratives will be grounded in the Cantwara sector, but it will take on a less grim dark look.  I hope by opening things up to various other scales, theatres, backgrounds I can post semi-regularly.

So, what have I been working on?  After a bit of thought, and needing a change from painting 20mm Napoleonic infantry, I decided to work on some of the terrain pieces that I have.  The more terrain that I have, the more varied I can make the battlefield and with that the different types of scenarios that I can fight.  Here are the pieces that I have finished so far, the colonial settlement of Keithstown is slowly starting to come to life.

Vehicles from Ground Zero Games - 

These sculpts were a real pleasure to paint and being made of metal they have some real heft to them.

Scatter terrin - Ground Zero Games

Most of the scatter terrain came as Christmas freebies with an order.  They will either serve as terrain or objective markers. 

Mines -  Ground Zero Games (I think)

The mines will do service as terrain, objective markers, and spawn points.  I have one more to paint.  I think that I got these from GZG, but I cannot find them on the website, so I could be wrong or they may no longer be available.

Colonial settlement buildings -  Ground Zero Games

These wonderful buildings make up the colonial settlement pack from GZG, they went together really easily and the painting was a joy.